Connection strings for Composite Information Server
Composite Information Server is an online data integration server.
ODBC drivers for Composite Information Server
.NET libraries for Composite Information Server
Composite ODBC
ODBC Driver
Usage Driver=Composite 4.5
Manufacturer Composite Software
Usage Driver=Composite 4.5
Manufacturer Composite Software
DSN-less connection
Driver=Composite 4.5;HOST=myServerAddress;PORT=9501;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword;DOMAIN=composite;DATASOURCE=PDSI;
Specifying catalog
Driver=Composite 4.5;HOST=myServerAddress;PORT=9501;Catalog=myCatalog;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword;DOMAIN=composite;DATASOURCE=PDSI;
.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC
.NET Framework Wrapper Class Library
Usage System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Manufacturer Microsoft
Usage System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Manufacturer Microsoft
Use an ODBC driver from .NET
Driver={any odbc driver's name};OdbcKey1=someValue;OdbcKey2=someValue;
See the respective ODBC driver's connection strings options. The .net OdbcConnection will just pass on the connection string to the specified ODBC driver. Read more here.