Connection strings for OLAP, Analysis Services
.NET libraries for OLAP, Analysis Services
OLE DB providers for OLAP, Analysis Services
Manufacturer Microsoft
Encrypted Connection
This one authenticates the user and encrypts the communication. This is the highest level of security.
Signed Connection
This one authenticates the user and and prevents the content in the communication to be modified.
Authenticated Connection
This one authenticates the user but does not secure the communication.
Unauthenticated Connection
This one provides no form of authentication.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP
Usage Provider=MSOLAP
Manufacturer Microsoft
If you have more then one OLEDB for OLAP provider installed you may need to specify the version of the provider in the connection string, MSOLAP.1 for MSAS 7.0, MSOLAP.2 for MSAS 2000, MSOLAP.3 for MSAS 2005, MSOLAP.4 for MSAS 2008. Just specifying MSOLAP as Provider uses the latest version of OLE DB for OLAP installed on the system.
The username and password will be sent in clear text over the network using this connection string. If this is an issue, consider using the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) connection string instead.
Over Secure HTTP
Using Integrated Security
Integrated Security with Kerberos
.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB
Usage System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Manufacturer Microsoft
Use an OLE DB provider from .NET
See the respective OLEDB provider's connection strings options. The .net OleDbConnection will just pass on the connection string to the specified OLEDB provider. Read more here.